België leidt de energietransitie in de EU, met een verwachte productie van windenergie van 1.200 GW tegen 2025.

De Europese Investeringsbank (EIB) keurt een financiering van 2,4 miljard euro goed om verschillende duurzame energieprojecten en de aanleg van transport- en telecommunicatie-infrastructuur te stimuleren.
Belgium is leading the EU's energy transition, with wind power generation forecast to reach 1,200GW by 2025

The European Investment Bank (EIB) approves 2.4 billion euros in financing to boost various sustainable energy projects and the construction of transport and telecommunications infrastructure.
De Belgische bouwsector groeide met 4,2% in 2024 en zal naar verwachting gestaag groeien met nog eens 2% tot 2025

Volgens gegevens van Eurostat registreerde afgelopen november een jaarlijkse groei van de bouwproductie in de eurozone en de EU van respectievelijk 1,4% en 0,9%, waardoor België met een groei van 4,2% op de derde plaats kwam, na Spanje en Bulgarije.
The Belgian construction sector increased its growth by 4.2% throughout 2024 and is expected to grow steadily by a further 2% through to 2025

According to Eurostat data, last November registered an annual growth in construction production in the eurozone and the EU of 1.4% and 0.9% respectively, placing Belgium in third position, with a growth of 4.2%, only behind Spain and Bulgaria.
The new Sprimont wind farm will produce renewable energy for more than 10,000 households and offset 16% of the region's CO2 emissions

This wind farm, located along the E25 motorway in Damré - approximately 100 km from Brussels - will have five wind turbines producing between 32 and 38 MWh/year.
Sarens participates in the replacement of the railway bridge over the Barebeek

These works belong to the renovation of the section between Mechelen and Leuven, part of Infrabel's line 53, with the aim of modernizing the railway.
Genk Green Logistics' new port infrastructure will boost the reindustrialization of the area and contribute to local job creation

The Genk Green Logistics facilities are located in the former Ford factory in Genk, which once employed more than 14,000 people.
Flemish Roads and Traffic Agency (AWV) boosts infrastructure development in Antwerp with installation of a new bridge over the E-313 highway

A new part of the new bridge in Ranst is an ecoduct that will enable the animals to cross the highway in a safe way.
Sarens, awarded for enabling and accelerating the energy transition in the port of Antwerp

The port of Antwerp recently highlighted the work of Sarens in sustainability by updating and expanding the fleet towards greener machinery like the electric cranes.
Belgian construction sector ready to grow beyond 2% this year and with high expectations for 2026

The Belgian government continues with its Regional Recovery Plan, through which €4.3 billion is allocated to the construction sector in the Walloon region with the aim of supporting national companies and creating employment within the industry.
België leidt de energietransitie in de EU, met een verwachte productie van windenergie van 1.200 GW tegen 2025.

De Europese Investeringsbank (EIB) keurt een financiering van 2,4 miljard euro goed om verschillende duurzame energieprojecten en de aanleg van transport- en telecommunicatie-infrastructuur te stimuleren.
Belgium is leading the EU's energy transition, with wind power generation forecast to reach 1,200GW by 2025

The European Investment Bank (EIB) approves 2.4 billion euros in financing to boost various sustainable energy projects and the construction of transport and telecommunications infrastructure.
De Belgische bouwsector groeide met 4,2% in 2024 en zal naar verwachting gestaag groeien met nog eens 2% tot 2025

Volgens gegevens van Eurostat registreerde afgelopen november een jaarlijkse groei van de bouwproductie in de eurozone en de EU van respectievelijk 1,4% en 0,9%, waardoor België met een groei van 4,2% op de derde plaats kwam, na Spanje en Bulgarije.
The Belgian construction sector increased its growth by 4.2% throughout 2024 and is expected to grow steadily by a further 2% through to 2025

According to Eurostat data, last November registered an annual growth in construction production in the eurozone and the EU of 1.4% and 0.9% respectively, placing Belgium in third position, with a growth of 4.2%, only behind Spain and Bulgaria.
The new Sprimont wind farm will produce renewable energy for more than 10,000 households and offset 16% of the region's CO2 emissions

This wind farm, located along the E25 motorway in Damré - approximately 100 km from Brussels - will have five wind turbines producing between 32 and 38 MWh/year.
Sarens participates in the replacement of the railway bridge over the Barebeek

These works belong to the renovation of the section between Mechelen and Leuven, part of Infrabel's line 53, with the aim of modernizing the railway.
Genk Green Logistics' new port infrastructure will boost the reindustrialization of the area and contribute to local job creation

The Genk Green Logistics facilities are located in the former Ford factory in Genk, which once employed more than 14,000 people.
Flemish Roads and Traffic Agency (AWV) boosts infrastructure development in Antwerp with installation of a new bridge over the E-313 highway

A new part of the new bridge in Ranst is an ecoduct that will enable the animals to cross the highway in a safe way.
Sarens, awarded for enabling and accelerating the energy transition in the port of Antwerp

The port of Antwerp recently highlighted the work of Sarens in sustainability by updating and expanding the fleet towards greener machinery like the electric cranes.